“ O n t h e I n s i d e ”

On the Inside is a tribute to mental health survivors and loved ones. This collection flaunts big sleeves, broad shoulders, exaggerated  flares, and an array of colors all the while retaining a strong message evoking a deeper conversation in regard to mental health. The ultimate goal of the collection is to encourage the dark days so many of us have and remind whoever they are, that they are not alone. 

On the Inside shows six different mental illnesses including: Anxiety, Depression, Bi-Polar, Eating Nervosa, Addiction, and Psychosis. The last ensemble represents a cure: love, because in order to love yourself you have to love your illness (superpower). 

Award winning collection at the Iowa State University Fashion Show - 2020

Featured at Kansas City Fashion Week - 2020

Kansas City Fashion Week

Fall 2020


"Fight or Flight" -- Handbag Collection