“F i g h t o r F l i g h t”

Fight or Flight is a conceptual handbag accessory collection with the purpose of promoting both suicide and mental health awareness in a remarkable and unique way.  The fight-or-flight response, also known as acute stress response, is a physiological reaction that occurs during a perceived harmful event or threat to survival. Essentially, the response prepares the body to either fight or flee the situation. This concept elutes to a story of someone being the perceived threat to themselves. Someone whose life is at stake with a simple decision of fight or flee standing in the way.  

The ultimate goal of this design was to use aesthetic properties to evoke emotion in the wearer as well as start a conversation in regard to mental health. Several visual properties were used to create such an impact including the embossed suicide awareness hotline number located at the bottom of the center front panel. The aesthetic of the number was meant to be minimalistic yet strong. Each number was scorn into the vinyl material by using an embossing kit and a hammer previous to placing the lining inside of the handbag. Another unique and impactful aesthetic property of this design is the outline of faces on each color blocked panel. The “face” is representative of beauty, elegance and expression as well as the personality of an individual. This visual element represents the individuality of each person - especially those managing a mental illness.

The handles of the piece are equally as impactful. The inspiration behind this element was to portray life, frozen in time. This aspect was executed by using real, live flowers and solidifying them in resin - literally freezing them in time. Each of the flowers used (delphiniums, lily’s, and roses) have a specific meaning. Lily’s represent the soul of the departed, roses simulate enduring passion, and delphiniums convey a feeling of lightness, levity, and an open heart. The flowers within the handles breathe life back into this design and distract the purpose from highlighting the darkness, telling a love story for anyone who is contemplating a life altering decision.

Award winning collection at the Iowa State University Fashion Show - 2020

Accepted into ITAA conference - 2020


"On the Inside" -- Capstone Collection


"Mary Lynn" -- Illustration